Friday, July 4, 2008


More fun with complex characters.

Yet mere randomness doesn't make for satisfying complexity. Why is this combination surprising? … and then, why is it believable?


  1. Chess and butchering don't have much in common, at least not at first sight, so we're surprised. Yet if we think about it, butchers and all traders are all about strategy, and so their enjoying of strategy games is not surprising, but rather reveals some of their virtues (strategy-making) which explain their trait (and trade!).

    We're left reconciling the two, in fact, these characters are more believable as a result of the discrepancy. The discrepancy has forced the reconciliation.

  2. in fact, these characters are more believable as a result of the discrepancy. The discrepancy has forced the reconciliation.

    Nice! Hobbies don't merely reinforce character; at their best, they reveal hidden character.
